Yost & Campbell Heating, Cooling & Generators Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Irvington’

How an Automatic Standby Generator Works: An Explanation

Monday, March 18th, 2024

We talk a lot on this blog about powerful whole-home generators that can do amazing things—but we rarely go over the details. This is usually due to the fact that many customers don’t really want to concern themselves with the “how” or “why” their system works, just that they get something that truly does work when it’s supposed to. We completely understand this perspective and think it’s perfectly fine.

But for curious customers, that’s not enough. They want to know how the system works from start to finish so they can feel like their purchase was justified. This makes sense too, human beings are smart and we often want to figure out or discover what turns our lights on or the impact we have on our environment.

So, before any hesitant customers shy away from generator installation in Irvington, NY, we’re going to break down how these systems work and compare them to portable counterparts. Then customers can make the choice for themselves.

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