What Is an Automatic Standby Generator?
We’re fairly certain that anyone with an internet connection and television has heard of a Generac automatic standby generator. They’re some of the most high-tech solutions available to homes that are regularly without power. With the amount of wear and tear some of these generators get, especially in New York where hurricanes and storms can be particularly nasty, a better model generator will stave off expensive generator repair in New Rochelle, NY and other communities.
A Generac automatic standby generator can be the perfect solution to a home that’s constantly rifled with stormy weather and power outages. Instead of using expensive fuels to power inefficient portable generators, try an automatic standby generator that can keep any appliance in a home running smoothly.
Professional Sizing
Contrary to popular belief, one size does not fit all when it comes to generators. Electrical capacity differs from home to home, which means an automatic standby generator needs to be appropriately sized before it can handle the needs of a home’s various different appliances. That’s why it is incredibly important to have a professional team use the technology needed to size up a generator.
An amateur technician might not have the right technology to adequately measure how much energy an electrical system requires. If this job is done poorly, not only do homeowners risk having their generator break down, they also risk an electrical overload in their home which can spark fire hazards and cause an electrical catastrophe that’s incredibly expensive to fix!
How Does It Work?
With portable generators, as soon as a storm hits, they need to be wheeled out and started. Sometimes gas needs to be inserted, which is a fuel that must be purchased ahead of time. The inconvenience of this process when a bad storm has hit can be furious, to say the least.
An automatic standby generator is exactly as the name implies. It automatically switches on when it detects that a home has lost electrical power. Then, it functions using the existing natural gas pipeline to burn clean fuel and supply a home with enough power to keep appliances running on schedule.
Is It Worth It?
While we’d definitely say yes, there’s data behind why these units are so widely accepted as the most cost-efficient generator on the market. Since these systems run on natural gas and not gasoline or oil, they’re much more fuel-efficient and cost-effective than portable generators. They output more power and can sustainably power a home.
This can be a stable and permanent solution to a home that experiences storms frequently. While the initial cost is substantially higher than a portable generator, the convenience and pure efficiency of these systems is absolutely worth it.
The Verdict
While we won’t tell anyone to buy an automatic standby generator necessarily, if anyone has a home that gets frequent visits from Neptune and other Greek stormy deities, then this device will make a huge difference in the quality of life.
Storms are an unfortunate occurrence where we live. Give Yost & Campbell Heating, Cooling & Generators a call for expert automatic standby generator installation.