Now Is the Time to Schedule Maintenance on Your Heating System
Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer, and while Yonkers, NY may have a few warmer days left, autumn weather will be here quickly. Most heating systems in the area have likely sat unused for months, which can cause significant problems when they are turned on during the first cool day of fall. Dust can build up inside the system, clogging burners and creating friction on any moving parts. Wear and tear can be exacerbated by long periods of disuse, and no homeowner wants to discover a major component malfunction just when temperatures are going down.
Maintenance Sessions Stop Problems Before They Start
The solution is to schedule a heating maintenance session sometime in the next few weeks. A maintenance session isn’t quite the same as a repair session, which is designed to address a specific problem in the heating system. Instead, it gives the technician a chance to look the system over and check for any conditions that may grow into larger problems later in the year. It also lets the technician address small details that reduce the heating system’s efficiency: loose bolts, clogged burners, and similar issues.
Now Is The Ideal Time
September makes the perfect month to schedule a heating maintenance session. The weather is still comparatively warm, so the heater won’t be needed like it will during the later months of the year. That allows the session to be scheduled at leisure, according to the homeowner’s schedule instead of rushing when the weather turns cooler and the technician’s schedule may be busier.
At Yost and Campbell Heating, Cooling and Generators, we offer our Home Comfort Club agreement, providing annual maintenance for heating and air conditioning units throughout the area. This agreement includes complimentary maintenance on the home’s water heater as well, at no extra charge!